Compact - CUV Well it's not hard to see why everyone wanted the Jeep brand only when Chrysler was its deathbed. And it seems that FCA knows this and now they are expanding this brand faster than in its entire history. Along with the new Compass, you can expect a new Grand Wagoneer to sit above the Grand Cherokee. A new Wrangler based pickup and a new micro-SUV to slot in below the sub-compact Renegade. So if you really thought that the onslaught of utility vehicles was over, then think again. The new Compass has begun its move onward and upward, utilizing both the status and appeal of the Grand Cherokee. This could have been seen long ago when the last model came out. Why do we say that, well look at the previous generation next to the previous generation of Grand Cherokee. The Compass is similar to it in many ways. And it seems that back then it helped boost sales and improve the image of the Compass. Sure the original model looked more like an authentic Jeep with the round lights and hard roof-line, but it did lack that one main thing. Curb Appeal. And that is what the Grand Cherokee had. With this new image and curb appeal, more suburban homeowners are likely to purchase the new Compass, as it looks better sitting in your driveway clean. If the new Compass looked more like a Wrangler you would have to deal with the questions as to why its not covered in mud. Think about it, do you ask that question every time you see a decked out Wrangler. Bet you do. So with better curb appeal you can expect to see a lot more of this Compass model floating around. Add to this the image of the Jeep brand and you have the makings of a perfect utility vehicle. Now let's hope that if Jeep decides to remake the Patriot, they will add more Wrangler aspects to it, to help make it more of a Jeep for the bush and not the parking lot. Everett J. OVERALL SCORE: B-
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